The Mesa
The Mesa is a a deeply personal inner communication system that bridges into unseen worlds. The Mesa is a portable alter in which we can commune with our inner most self. While to the uninitiated it may appear to be a collection of rocks and objects, to the mesa carrier, everything has personal meaning and relationship.
The stones within the mesa are called cuyas, which is "sweet babies" in the qetchua language of the Andean mountains. Cuyas are living energies that need to be fed, nurtured and that in turn respond to us. In walking the path of the healer, the stones are initiated into specific frequencies and resonant patterns of engagement that the carrier can call on for assistance, and are anchored to the luminous body.
We allow the stones to do the work rather than ourselves, trusting that they are connected to a lineage that is beyond our small self.
Everything means something and shamanic observation is in constant use. The way we open the mesa, the way it opens to us, the way the stones asked to be laid out, where there is resistance, where there is ease, first comes the act of noticing. Noticing brings our attention to an imbalance. When we notice, without judgment, we begin the journey of discovery.
Each stone carries its own story that it brings to us, and informs us with. Stones go through initiations, fires, rites and they speak to us. Being able to slow our energy enough to listen to the stone people is a lesson in quieting the mind. Stilling our busy-ness so that we can communicate with stones becomes an act of centering and calming.
Being a mesa carrier is an honor, and responsibility. To speak with open mesas is a signal that you are hiding nothing, open and willing to freely communicate. A mesa carrier does not leave their mesa unattended.
Opening the mesa is part of a daily practice of communion with the world around us and within us.
The stones within the mesa are called cuyas, which is "sweet babies" in the qetchua language of the Andean mountains. Cuyas are living energies that need to be fed, nurtured and that in turn respond to us. In walking the path of the healer, the stones are initiated into specific frequencies and resonant patterns of engagement that the carrier can call on for assistance, and are anchored to the luminous body.
We allow the stones to do the work rather than ourselves, trusting that they are connected to a lineage that is beyond our small self.
Everything means something and shamanic observation is in constant use. The way we open the mesa, the way it opens to us, the way the stones asked to be laid out, where there is resistance, where there is ease, first comes the act of noticing. Noticing brings our attention to an imbalance. When we notice, without judgment, we begin the journey of discovery.
Each stone carries its own story that it brings to us, and informs us with. Stones go through initiations, fires, rites and they speak to us. Being able to slow our energy enough to listen to the stone people is a lesson in quieting the mind. Stilling our busy-ness so that we can communicate with stones becomes an act of centering and calming.
Being a mesa carrier is an honor, and responsibility. To speak with open mesas is a signal that you are hiding nothing, open and willing to freely communicate. A mesa carrier does not leave their mesa unattended.
Opening the mesa is part of a daily practice of communion with the world around us and within us.