In shamanic communities when one person is visibly ill that individual is considered holding the demonstration of imbalance for the whole. No one is seen as being separate from the community. That individual is honored for their journey and contribution and the community gathers to do their own work as well understanding the balance and interaction of each that contributes to the re-energizing, whether it is a family or a village.
Each individual that clears something within themselves then lifts the burden from the one expressing the imbalance, and healing happens collectively.
In our culture we don't have and foster this innate understanding of interconnection. No one of us are living in isolation no matter how the brain's organization of bits of information might attempt to trick us into feeling alone. We are all here together experiencing a collective interaction. What we each see, feel, do has an affect on all. Remember that.
The stronger the ties the stronger this interaction. You might not be close to your family, but the ties that bind you energetically and emotionally are still there, even after death. Recapitulations recode the initial response that our internal child had in an overwhelming moment so that we can evolve beyond it and learn from it.
Our child might be expressing the grandparents pain in their illness. You might be. This vibrational expression is what the ancients called "sins of the fathers", "sin" being "a miss". In math, sin" means nothing. In Old Greek the word for "sin" was harmatia which means "missed the mark". What did our fathers not understand that becomes ours to recode and come to peace with?
Families are constellations of responses that are manifesting externally in much the same as the constellation of responses we each feel within. Our children are responding to us all the time and are often demonstrating to us what we are not dealing with. When we work on ourselves as mothers and fathers, we allow our children to shift to a new position. We are constantly teaching our children what the world is like. We must clear our own fearful responses so that our children have an opportunity to live a different world.
And more importantly, we need to honor them for showing us our own blind spot. The more conscious we become the more we lift the burden from the individual holding the demonstration whether that person is the child, the adult or a stranger that we come into orbit with. Everything holds a message. Our shamanic responsibility is to recognize the messages and let the energy guide us to the light.
If you are ill, honor yourself and realize it is bigger than just you. If someone you love is ill, honor them and begin to look at the landscape of the wound in a new way. What is the gift of the demonstration that you might not otherwise be willing to look at or go in to without this experience?
In shamanic work, we are looking for the message that the messenger is trying to deliver. In NLP we say that the messenger has to deliver the message. The message will keep getting louder and louder until the message is delivered. The same is said in shamanic work. We listen to the messenger. The body is the messenger. What is it telling us? Thank your body, your system, your soul. Hear it. Say "thank you, I hear you" and notice what happen when you do? Hold your child and say "Thank you, I hear you" and notice. Just notice.
Each individual that clears something within themselves then lifts the burden from the one expressing the imbalance, and healing happens collectively.
In our culture we don't have and foster this innate understanding of interconnection. No one of us are living in isolation no matter how the brain's organization of bits of information might attempt to trick us into feeling alone. We are all here together experiencing a collective interaction. What we each see, feel, do has an affect on all. Remember that.
The stronger the ties the stronger this interaction. You might not be close to your family, but the ties that bind you energetically and emotionally are still there, even after death. Recapitulations recode the initial response that our internal child had in an overwhelming moment so that we can evolve beyond it and learn from it.
Our child might be expressing the grandparents pain in their illness. You might be. This vibrational expression is what the ancients called "sins of the fathers", "sin" being "a miss". In math, sin" means nothing. In Old Greek the word for "sin" was harmatia which means "missed the mark". What did our fathers not understand that becomes ours to recode and come to peace with?
Families are constellations of responses that are manifesting externally in much the same as the constellation of responses we each feel within. Our children are responding to us all the time and are often demonstrating to us what we are not dealing with. When we work on ourselves as mothers and fathers, we allow our children to shift to a new position. We are constantly teaching our children what the world is like. We must clear our own fearful responses so that our children have an opportunity to live a different world.
And more importantly, we need to honor them for showing us our own blind spot. The more conscious we become the more we lift the burden from the individual holding the demonstration whether that person is the child, the adult or a stranger that we come into orbit with. Everything holds a message. Our shamanic responsibility is to recognize the messages and let the energy guide us to the light.
If you are ill, honor yourself and realize it is bigger than just you. If someone you love is ill, honor them and begin to look at the landscape of the wound in a new way. What is the gift of the demonstration that you might not otherwise be willing to look at or go in to without this experience?
In shamanic work, we are looking for the message that the messenger is trying to deliver. In NLP we say that the messenger has to deliver the message. The message will keep getting louder and louder until the message is delivered. The same is said in shamanic work. We listen to the messenger. The body is the messenger. What is it telling us? Thank your body, your system, your soul. Hear it. Say "thank you, I hear you" and notice what happen when you do? Hold your child and say "Thank you, I hear you" and notice. Just notice.